New guidance published- Health and Safety at Opencast Mines, Alluvial Mines and Quarries

December 03, 2015

WorkSafe has developed guidance on health and safety good practice at opencast mines, alluvial mines and quarries. This guide helps assist operators in developing, implementing and maintaining controls to manage hazards commonly associated with surface operations. It will also assist operators in meeting their regulatory obligations.As this document is so large you can choose to download the full document or just the part you need.

1 Health and Safety at Opencast Mines, Alluvial Mines and Quarries [11.8 MB PDF]

Mines And Quarries Gpg

2 Part A - Mines And Quarries Gpg  This part of the document gives an introduction, background, and definitions to help you use it. It includes a discussion of what quarries and mines this document applies to, and a guide to the overall practice of hazard management.

Part BMines And Quarries Gpg [2.4 MB PDF]
This part of the guide provides guidance for designing safety into mine and quarry operations. It describes in detail how to plan excavations, tips, ponds, dams, roads, and vehicle operating areas

4 Part C - Mines And Quarries [4.0 MB PDF]
This part of the document sets out site safety practices for working with explosives, managing ground instability, tipping and dumping material, storing water and tailings, and managing traffic.

Part D - Mines And Quarries Gpg [5.1 MB PDF]

This part provides guidance for managing machinery, worker health and facilities, site access and security, providing appropriate training, and emergencies.

Health and Safety Quarry Essentials Pocket Guide

This document is based on the Good Practice Guideline Health and Safety at Opencast Mines, Alluvial Mines and Quarries and provides useful information on some of the common health and safety issues in quarries. Quarries Pocket Guide